The Student Activism in American Universities

In solidarity with the Palestinians against the violations of the occupation and its lethal tools.
Fayez Al-Dhubaibi
May 25, 2024

The Student Activism in American Universities

In solidarity with the Palestinians against the violations of the occupation and its lethal tools.
Fayez Al-Dhubaibi
May 25, 2024

On April 18th, students who opposed the Israeli war on Gaza initiated a sit-in at Columbia University in New York. They demanded that the university administration cease its academic collaboration with Israeli universities and divest from companies that support the occupation of Palestinian territories. This action was prompted by the relentless war waged by Israel on Gaza since last October, which has resulted in the death of over 33,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and the injury of over 75,000 individuals. Additionally, it has caused a severe humanitarian crisis and the destruction of large parts of the Gaza Strip.

The students regarded these events as human rights violations and war crimes that warrant punishment. Various forms of expressing their opposition were witnessed across universities, including the display of banners and slogans condemning the Israeli occupation and advocating for Palestinian rights. Many universities also organized seminars and discussions to delve into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and explore prospects for peace in the region.

Suppression of protests

In response to the protests, security authorities intervened to disperse them and detained several students, triggering a significant outcry from both students and human rights activists. This anger quickly spread, resulting in demonstrations taking place at multiple universities throughout the United States. Prominent institutions like Columbia University, Harvard University, and New York University played a central role in hosting solidarity activities and becoming hubs for collective support.

In Columbia University, a student-led sit-in was organized on campus and lasted for several days. The students set up tents and organized informative activities and discussions regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Furthermore, the participating students publicly expressed their support for the university administration's demands to divest from companies involved in supporting the Israeli occupation.

At Harvard University, students organized similar solidarity marches and activities, raising slogans advocating for Palestinian rights and calling for an end to Israeli aggression.

Similarly, in New York, New York University also witnessed large-scale student demonstrations, supporting similar demands as those of Columbia University and Harvard.

This student movement demonstrates a significant shift in global student awareness and activism. Although it began as a wave of protests in American universities, it quickly expanded to include educational institutions in Europe and other locations. This expansion highlights the unity of the Palestinian cause and the engagement of students worldwide in issues of justice and human rights. 

Expansion of the movement

the student movement in support of Palestine has seen an unprecedented expansion beyond the United States to universities in countries like France, Britain, Germany, Canada, and Australia. These nations have witnessed similar demonstrations, expressing solidarity and demanding an end to the war in Gaza, as well as the boycott of companies providing weapons to Israel.

It is crucial to acknowledge that this student movement has transcended national boundaries, reaching universities in Europe and various other countries across the globe. The collective voice of students resonates globally, emphasizing the importance of justice and human rights in the Palestinian cause.

Diverse Reactions  

The responses from university authorities were diverse. In certain universities, administrations openly expressed their support for freedom of expression and recognized the students' right to voice their opinions. They embraced the spirit of open dialogue and encouraged discussions, lectures, and events aimed at promoting the exchange of diverse perspectives on the conflict. These efforts sought to create an atmosphere of inclusivity and understanding where students could engage in meaningful conversations about the issue at hand. Additionally, other universities took proactive measures to maintain peace and tranquility by organizing discussions and lectures that facilitated the exchange of different viewpoints on the conflict. 

On the other hand, tensions escalated in some universities, necessitating intervention by security authorities. Some protests witnessed student arrests and an increase in clashes between students and security forces. These developments have unfortunately created a tense atmosphere in some universities, making it challenging for students to freely express their opinions and engage in constructive dialogue. It is crucial for students and university authorities to collaborate in order to de-escalate the situation and provide a safe and conducive environment for free expression and meaningful discussions.

The study conducted by the American Student Association highlights the significant support among students for expanding freedom of expression in universities when it comes to discussing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. With 75% of students in favor of this expansion, it demonstrates a widespread desire among the student population to engage in open and honest discussions on this complex issue. During a discussion at the University of California, Professor Sarah Jones, a political science professor, emphasized the importance of such open dialogues. She rightly pointed out that these discussions promote mutual understanding and contribute to the building of bridges for peace. By encouraging open dialogue and providing a platform for diverse perspectives, universities can play a vital role in fostering an environment of understanding and tolerance. 

Expand the definition

The U.S. House of Representatives voted in favor of expanding the definition of "anti-Semitism" adopted by the Department of Education. However, this step still requires approval from the Senate before it becomes law. The decision comes in response to protests in support of Palestinians on college campuses across the country. Expanding the definition of "anti-Semitism" aims to combat discrimination and hatred against Jews and promote constructive dialogue and tolerance in universities. The protests in support of Palestinians in universities are part of the broader trend towards expressing opinions and engaging in meaningful discussions. Expanding the definition of "anti-Semitism" is an important step in ensuring a university environment that promotes peaceful coexistence and respects the rights of all.

As per the definition, "anti-Semitism" refers to a particular perception of Jews that can manifest as hatred directed towards them. It encompasses both verbal and physical expressions of hatred towards Jewish individuals or even non-Jews, as well as their properties, community institutions, and places of worship. This definition emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing the various forms and targets of anti-Semitism in order to combat it effectively.

It shall be noted that there is a segment of the American political class that accuses university protesters of "anti-Semitism" based on their raising of slogans hostile to Israel, among other things. However, critics of the legislation argue that this definition could potentially restrict certain criticisms of the state of Israel. They also accuse opponents of the bill in Congress of attempting to pass it swiftly in order to limit freedom of expression in American universities. It is a complex and contentious issue with differing perspectives on the balance between combating anti-Semitism and protecting freedom of speech.

Solidarity and support 

This student movement demonstrates a significant shift in global student awareness and activism. Although it began as a wave of protests in American universities, it quickly expanded to include educational institutions in Europe and other locations. This expansion highlights the unity of the Palestinian cause and the engagement of students worldwide in issues of justice and human rights.

However, the student movement encounters various challenges that can hinder its progress, even in the face of achievements. One significant challenge is the potential for security crackdowns, which can involve repression and suppression of student activism. Additionally, there is a need for effective organization and unity among student activists to amplify their impact and increase the likelihood of achieving their goals. Moreover, navigating laws and regulations that restrict freedom of expression can pose a significant obstacle for the student movement as these legal barriers may limit their ability to voice their concerns, engage in peaceful protests, and advocate for meaningful change.

Noticeable Impacts

Luckily, the results of the student movement against the war on Gaza in American and European universities were quite noticeable. There were student protests that took place in several universities, demanding an end to the war and the cessation of American arms sales to Israel. We also witnessed sit-ins and encampments at Columbia University, where students set up a protest camp and declared an open sit-in. These protests extended to other universities such as the University of Texas and the University of Southern California. These demonstrations and sit-ins reflect the students' concerns about the situation in Gaza and the impact of the war on civilians so they seek to express solidarity with the affected Palestinians and call for an end to violence and the blockade.

Additionally, in response to the student protests, some universities opted for repressive measures such as arrests. This heavy-handed approach aimed at suppressing the dissenting voices within the student movement. On the other hand, there were universities that chose to engage in negotiations and actively seek solutions to address the concerns raised by the students. Furthermore, certain academic and political figures faced criticism for their positions regarding the protests, and some even faced calls for resignation due to their perceived inadequate response or lack of support for the student movement.

The student movement in American universities serves as a powerful testament to the influential role that young people play in driving social change and seeking justice. It showcases the importance of freedom of expression and international solidarity in the pursuit of a more equitable and peaceful world.


The student movement in American universities focused on critically examining Israeli policies, with a particular emphasis on issues such as settlements and the blockade on Gaza. Students voiced their concerns and dissatisfaction with these policies, aiming to raise awareness among their peers and the wider community. One of the strategies employed by some students was advocating for the boycott of Israeli products and trade. They saw this as a way to exert pressure on the Israeli government and encourage a change in its policies. 

These protests clearly demonstrate a significant shift in student awareness and their ability to influence shape public opinion and challenge existing narratives surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Not only that, but the student activism surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has the potential to drive tangible political and social changes through raising awareness, organizing protests, and engaging in critical discussions, and they can also exert pressure for policy reforms on an international level, specifically addressing the conflict in the Middle East.


In conclusion, it is crucial to emphasize that student activism in American universities has played a vital role in highlighting the power of youth as catalysts for change and justice. Besides, this movement has brought attention to the importance of freedom of expression and international solidarity in constructing a fairer and more peaceful global society. It is highly likely that the student movement will persist in shaping international and domestic policies, potentially influencing the foreign policies of the United States concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through raising awareness, reaching out to their peers, the wider community, and even policymakers to educate and inform them about the complexities of the conflict.

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