PUBG: A Game Threatening the Future of Our Children

The Psychological, Social, and Physical Toll of PUBG Addiction on Children and Adolescents
Nabeeha Mahdor
June 4, 2024

PUBG: A Game Threatening the Future of Our Children

The Psychological, Social, and Physical Toll of PUBG Addiction on Children and Adolescents
Nabeeha Mahdor
June 4, 2024
Image Generated by AI – Khuyut

Ammar is no longer the same; he has changed a lot, and his academic level has deteriorated significantly after being one of the top in his class. He became confined to the walls of his room and the screen of his mobile phone, spending more than seven hours in virtual battles and false victories in the PUBG game. His body has weakened, and become emaciated. He no longer cares about eating his meals; even at the dining table, his eyes are fixed on the mobile screen, and his fingers nervously tap on it.

This is how Ammar's mother described his condition, which has developed since he became addicted to PUBG a year ago

Ammar is a fifteen-year-old teenager, studying in the first grade of secondary school, who is depriving himself of his daily school allowance to buy internet cards so that he can participate in the PUBG game, which has become his only concern

In this regard, his mother tells "Khuyut": "My son Ammar has lost his passion for life. He no longer participates in activities like his peers at his age, residing instead in a state of social and familial seclusion. Even when we sit with him, we see him sometimes smiling and at other times getting agitated, furrowing his brow and knitting his eyebrows, using words we are not accustomed to hearing while playing PUBG. He frequently misses school due to staying up late at night, has lost his desire to study and learn , and talks a lot about death, and reacts impulsively over the slightest and trivial  reasons."

Ammar's mother adds, "I am very sad about his situation and deeply worried about him. I have tried many times to deter him from playing this game, but I couldn't. He has started threatening to leave home and drop out of school."

“The excessive use of this game has negative impacts on players' personalities due to its harmful content. It can instill violence in their minds and impart methods and tactics for committing crimes.”

The World is Fighting

Actually, Ammar is not the only one suffering from PUBG addiction; there are many others who have become addicted to it. According to a Reuters report, the game has been downloaded over a billion times worldwide. It has captivated the interest and passion of many, both young and old, of both genders.

In Yemen, where the percentage of internet users is about 27% of the estimated population of approximately 33 million and 700 thousand people, according to the Icon Agency for Electronic Marketing report, many young people have turned to this game. You can find them in internet cafes and on the streets near internet networks. Consequently, this issue poses serious risks for the future of children and adolescents due to this phenomenon, which requires society's attention and finding solutions that contribute to reducing it.

The name PUBG is an abbreviation for "Player Unknown's Battlegrounds," referring to the battlegrounds of unknown players. It is an electronic game played on smartphones or computers, where groups of players fight against each other using various weapons. Indeed, this game contributes to generating violence and negative psychological feelings in individuals due to the continuous repetition of violent scenes, fostering aggressive tendencies towards others in their real-life behaviors. Additionally, it promotes ideas that are inconsistent with Islamic teachings, leading to confusion and the potential destruction of the minds of children and adolescents.

Impacts and Damages

Despite the importance of gaming for children and adolescents, and some benefits resulting from playing electronic games that develop certain skills such as planning, decision-making, and quick thinking, excessive use has negative repercussions and impacts on the players' personalities due to its negative content. Furthermore, these games foster violence in their minds and teach them criminal methods and tactics. Additionally, they contribute to the development of various mental and physical illnesses.

A field study conducted on 58 students from Kasdi Merbah Ouargla University revealed several effects associated with playing PUBG. Of these, 36% of the participants reported experiencing physical discomfort such as hand, headache, and neck pains, while 24% indicated difficulty in social interaction.

Likewise, in another study conducted by Moshri in 2017 titled "The Impact of Electronic Games via Smartphones on the Academic Achievement of Algerian Students," it was found that electronic games affect the academic achievement of students due to excessive use.

“The excessive gaming exposes the brain to electrical impulses, which can cause neurological breakdowns, making individuals more emotional and aggressive.”

Health Risks

In this context, Dr. Amal Ahmed Al-Riyashi, a senior specialist in psychiatry and addiction treatment in Sana'a, confirmed that excessive and continuous playing of electronic games for long hours, including PUBG, causes addiction to them, resulting in psychological effects such as isolation and introversion, withdrawal from family and social activities, and susceptibility to depression and anxiety, all of which negatively impact an individual's social behavior.

Al-Riyashi further added that addiction to electronic games, including PUBG, leads to insomnia and sleep deprivation, affecting the brain and centers of thinking and concentration, thus impacting academic achievement. Additionally, the glowing images emitted from mobile devices affect the brain and can trigger epileptic seizures in individuals.

Moreover, she emphasized the importance of addressing these psychological symptoms by reducing the use of electronic games and engaging children and adolescents in real sports and social activities, and encouraging them to spend time outdoors with friends and family.

Dr. Amal Al-Riyashi also underscored that individuals suffering from severe addiction to electronic games should seek cognitive-behavioral therapy at psychological clinics.

Social Withdrawal

As for the social specialist and psychotherapist, Professor Sakhr Taha Al-Shaddadi, he highlighted the social effects of addiction to electronic games, including PUBG, which is not limited to children and adolescents but extends to many young adults and even married individuals. One of the most critical impacts is the loss of much time wasted that could otherwise be invested in learning new skills and engaging in productive activities.

Al-Shaddadi stated in this concern, "Addiction to these games leads to serious effects such as social withdrawal, which impacts an individual's relationship with his family and community, causing family members to become disconnected and weakening familial bonds due to the isolation experienced by the individual. Additionally, it results in the loss of role models, the creation of imaginary and fictional characters, and difficulty adapting to reality." He added, "The excessive gaming exposes the brain to electrical impulses, which can cause neurological breakdowns, making individuals more emotional and aggressive."

Social activist Saleh Baghasha expressed his regret, saying, "The best of everything is gone, even the games of the past."

He pointed to the many changes in the forms of social relationships compared to the past, and the disappearance of many of the old and traditional games that were once played, which used to enhance the spirit of teamwork and cooperation among individuals and groups. As a matter of fact, these games were a healthy phenomenon represented by children and adolescents playing games characterized by real physical and interactive activities that bring joy to children, contribute to the development of abilities and eliminate negative emotions and excessive activity.

Furthermore, Baghasha advises parents to guide their sons and daughters towards beneficial games that contribute to creativity and innovation, and to encourage their children to play such games while regulating their screen time on mobile devices.

He urged society to revive traditional games in the hearts of children and youth and to practice them collectively and in groups to alleviate the loneliness and isolation that many children experience. He also advocates for the establishment of free clubs for children and adolescents to practice sports, cultural, and recreational activities, which contribute to alleviating the psychological pressures on our children and help building their personalities in a healthy way.

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