Acute Malnutrition Surges in Government-Controlled Areas

Disease Outbreaks and High Food Insecurity Drive Vulnerable Children to Alarming Levels of Malnutrition in West Coast Areas
September 1, 2024

Acute Malnutrition Surges in Government-Controlled Areas

Disease Outbreaks and High Food Insecurity Drive Vulnerable Children to Alarming Levels of Malnutrition in West Coast Areas
September 1, 2024

Yemen is currently experiencing a severe deterioration and collapse in food security, with a sharp increase in acute malnutrition across various regions, particularly in areas under the control of the internationally recognized government. The situation is especially alarming in the western coastal areas, in which extremely critical cases have been reported, where the combined effects of disease outbreaks, high food insecurity rates, and limited access to safe drinking water are exacerbating acute malnutrition among vulnerable children.

On Sunday, August 18, the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Technical Working Group in Yemen reported that acute malnutrition is rapidly increasing in areas under the control of the internationally recognized government, with the western coast experiencing "extremely critical" levels of malnutrition for the first time.

According to the latest analysis of acute malnutrition under the IPC classification, the number of children under the age of five suffering from acute malnutrition or wasting has increased by 34% compared to the previous year across all areas controlled by the internationally recognized government, affecting over 600,000 children, including 120,000 who are severely malnourished. This sharp rise is attributed to the compounded effects of disease outbreaks (such as cholera and measles), high food insecurity, limited access to clean drinking water, and economic deterioration. Additionally, in the same population area, approximately 223,000 pregnant and lactating women were found to be suffering from acute malnutrition in 2024.

Malnutrition Amidst Declining Incomes

The most severe level under the IPC Acute Malnutrition (IPC AMN) classification, termed extremely critical acute malnutrition (IPC AMN phase 5), applies to areas where the prevalence of acute malnutrition exceeds 30 percent. 

“The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) predicted in early August that widespread food insecurity will continue to deteriorate significantly in areas controlled by the Houthi group in northern Yemen over the next three months, while warning of the alarming rise in acute malnutrition among children under the age of five in government-controlled areas and its correlation with disease outbreaks and high food insecurity rates.”

For the first time, such levels of acute malnutrition have been reported in the southern lowlands of Al-Hodeidah governorate (in the districts of Al Khawkhah and Hays) and the lowlands of Taiz governorate (in the district of Al-Mokha) during the period from November 2023 to June 2024. In Al-Hodeidah, the prevalence of acute malnutrition has risen to 33.9%, up from 25.9% on a yearly basis.

On the other hand, the World Bank confirmed in a report issued at the end of June 2024 that Yemen witnessed a 54% decline in per capita real GDP between 2015 and 2023, leaving most Yemenis in poverty. Meanwhile, food insecurity affects half of the population, and mortality rates among young people have increased.

Alarming and Critical Levels

Four UN agencies project that during the period from July to October 2024—known as the lean season months when there is minimal agricultural activity—all 117 districts in government-controlled areas, covered by the phase classification survey, will experience "emergency" levels of acute malnutrition or worse (Phase 3 or higher on the IPC Acute Malnutrition Classification). It is also expected that the Mawz’a district in the lowlands of Taiz Governorate will slip into the extremely critical level (Phase 5 of the IPC Acute Malnutrition Classification).

According to UNICEF’s representative in Yemen, Peter Hawkins, the report confirms a worrying trend of acute malnutrition among children in southern Yemen, adding that "to protect the most vulnerable women and children, investing in prevention and treatment efforts and expanding their scope is more critical now than ever."

He stated, "We will continue to do everything we can, including building on the current multi-sectoral response, to fight these life-threatening forms of malnutrition so that children can survive and grow to their full potential."

Meanwhile, the FAO highlights the severity of the alarming rise in acute malnutrition among children under the age of five in government-controlled areas, emphasizing its impact on the spread of diseases, increasing food insecurity rates, and limited access to essential services. The FAO remains committed to supporting the sustainable restoration and diversification of agricultural livelihoods to help meet urgent needs.

Severity of the Food Situation

In early August, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) predicted that widespread food insecurity will continue to deteriorate in areas controlled by the Houthi group in northern Yemen over the next three months.

The UN organization attributed this situation to the repercussions of the banking crisis, the shortage of foreign currency liquidity, and the continued suspension of food aid distribution, not to mention the impact of Red Sea attacks and the escalation associated with them, culminating in the Israeli airstrikes targeting Al-Hodeida port, which is a major gateway for essential goods and humanitarian aid to Houthi-controlled areas. The partial destruction of Al-Hodeida port due to recent Israeli airstrikes poses a significant threat given its potential to disrupt the flow of essential goods, leading to a severe fuel shortage, rising gasoline and diesel prices, and, consequently, higher food prices in Houthi-controlled areas.

The UN agency does not expect any changes in food and fuel prices in Houthi-controlled areas over the next few months, citing what it describes as strict controls on prices and exchange rates, although the risk of food price inflation remains.

The Most Affected Governorates

Yemen, mired in a prolonged conflict and economic collapse, suffers from the highest malnutrition rates in the world. The ongoing conflict, economic instability, and recurrent disease outbreaks remain the primary drivers of the malnutrition crisis in the country.

Al-Hodeida and Taiz, the areas with the highest rates of acute malnutrition, were already facing the highest rates of stunting, or chronic malnutrition. This means that repeated deprivation is also exacerbating the chronic malnutrition among children in these areas.

“The four UN agencies are calling for urgent and sustained international support and immediate action to address the root causes of acute malnutrition by strengthening the existing systems of social protection, health, food, water, sanitation, and hygiene. At the same time, ending the nearly decade-long conflict and restoring peace is critical.”

"The WFP is currently forced to provide smaller-sized food rations, and these findings should serve as a wake-up call that people's lives are at stake, said Pierre Honoré, the Representative and Country Director of the World Food Programme (WFP) in Yemen." He further added, "It is essential to increase support to the most vulnerable groups, who may sink further into food insecurity and malnutrition if the current low levels of humanitarian funding persist."

Malnutrition and Diseases

Childhood diseases, along with outbreaks of cholera and measles, coupled with limited access to safe drinking water and sanitation services, are driving up acute malnutrition rates in Yemen. 

Likewise, the World Health Organization reports a rise in acute malnutrition among children under the age of five in Yemen, noting that the disease outbreaks are a significant concern.

According to the organization's representative in Yemen, Dr. Arturo Pesigan, integrated health and nutrition services, including the management of childhood diseases, ensuring children receive all vaccinations, and appropriate nutritional practices, are crucial for addressing health and nutrition emergencies.

This is in addition to ensuring access to sufficient nutritious food and safe drinking water. Humanitarian actors and the international community must take immediate action to protect the future of Yemen's children.

Peace: The Key to the Solution

The high levels of food insecurity and poor nutritional practices, including suboptimal breastfeeding practices, are worsening the already dire conditions among vulnerable children in areas controlled by the internationally recognized government.

The four UN agencies are calling for urgent and sustained international support and immediate action to address the root causes of acute malnutrition, by strengthening the existing systems of social protection, health, food, water, sanitation, and hygiene.

At the same time, ending the nearly decade-long conflict and restoring peace is crucial for addressing these challenges and rebuilding the resilience of the Yemeni people, who have been devastated by the lack of basic services, repeated displacements, and shattered economic and social systems.

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