The Devastating Impact of the War on Yemeni Women

Amidst the disintegration of the state, safeguarding women has become increasingly challenging!
Nahla Al Maqtari
October 14, 2024

The Devastating Impact of the War on Yemeni Women

Amidst the disintegration of the state, safeguarding women has become increasingly challenging!
Nahla Al Maqtari
October 14, 2024

The armed conflict that erupted in late 2014 has deeply wounded the women of Yemen, exacerbating existing vulnerabilities in a nation already struggling with a low ranking on the global gender gap index. This conflict not only perpetuates prevailing gender-based discrimination but also introduces new obstacles that impede women's rights and freedoms.

Empowering women is essential for revitalizing weary communities, as women hold a key role in advancing local development and ensuring economic stability. Unleashing their potential is not just a matter of fairness but also has a direct impact on the overall welfare of society. Excluding half of the population from active participation in the workforce and decision-making processes not only perpetuates discrimination but also constrains the vision and advancement of the entire community.

The war has triggered a surge in gender-based violence, encompassing domestic and sexual violence, amidst the collapse of societal structures and the erosion of law enforcement.

The surge in discrimination 

The ongoing war has exacerbated gender-based violence, including instances of domestic and sexual abuse, amidst the breakdown of societal structures and the failure of law enforcement. Women are frequently left without access to justice, rendering them more susceptible to exploitation. Furthermore, cultural standards may decline during periods of conflict, constraining women's societal roles.

As the state disintegrates and security and legal systems collapse in many regions, safeguarding women from violence and upholding the law has become increasingly arduous. This has resulted in a surge in crimes and violations that go unpunished, perpetuating violence against women. The war and famine have compelled millions, including women, to flee their homes and endure harsh living conditions in camps or temporary shelters lacking security and privacy. Consequently, incidents of harassment, sexual assault, and exploitation have risen, whether within camps, outside of them, during movements, or in work environments. 

In my work in the field of protection for over four years, I have encountered narratives and grievances from marginalized women who have been unable to vocalize or seek assistance due to various reasons – be it the fear of stigma, lack of awareness of their rights, or challenges in accessing protective services. One such poignant story involves a marginalized woman, a mother of six, who fell victim to sexual assault while her children were out begging. This traumatic experience resulted in her battling with depression and mental impairment, grappling with feelings of guilt, fear of separation, and the breakdown of her family structure.

Furthermore, female workers have not been immune to gender-based violence, particularly in the face of deteriorating economic circumstances and pervasive poverty. They find themselves vulnerable to economic and physical exploitation, whether from within their own families or within their work environments. Economic hardships have compelled many families to resort to early marriages for their daughters as a means to alleviate financial strains. This distressing trend has contributed to a disturbing rise in child marriages, often undertaken to settle family debts or mitigate poverty, consequently fueling an increase in violence tied to such unions. 

In the midst of armed conflicts, the use of sexual violence as a tool to subjugate and instill fear in communities has been rampant in Yemen, particularly prevalent in areas controlled by the Houthi rebels. Instances of rape and harassment have seen a significant increase, with many cases going unreported due to a variety of complex reasons. This distressing trend has not only perpetuated harmful practices like forced and child marriages but has also had a disproportionate impact on women, girls, and children who are already the most vulnerable segments of society.

It is imperative to recognize that investing in the education and skill development of women is not just a matter of empowerment but a strategic necessity for long-term recovery and sustainable development. Programs that emphasize vocational training, literacy enhancement, and entrepreneurship can serve as catalysts for women's empowerment, positioning them as pivotal agents in driving economic and social rebuilding efforts in Yemen. By actively involving women in these initiatives, we can foster a more inclusive and resilient society that values and prioritizes gender equality and women's rights.

In territories under the control of the Houthi group, the illicit behaviors practiced by the group have sounded the alarm on the strict limitations imposed on women's freedom of movement.

Imposed restrictions on women's freedom

In territories under the control of the Houthi group, the unlawful actions carried out by the group have sounded the alarm on the severe restrictions imposed on women's freedom of movement. These constraints not only impact daily life but also impede women's ability to engage in the workforce, preventing many from pursuing job opportunities that could enhance their financial independence. Such limitations can also isolate women from essential services, such as healthcare and education.

These imposed restrictions extend to female workers in the humanitarian sector, with detrimental effects on humanitarian endeavors. Women are a vital component in the humanitarian workforce, often providing culturally sensitive care and crucial support necessary for effective communication. When these women are barred from working, the entire community suffers, making essential services less accessible to those in need.

It is imperative for international and local non-governmental organizations to champion women's rights in Yemen and ensure their inclusion in peace negotiations and recovery plans. Supporting women's leadership in community initiatives can aid in rebuilding trust and fostering a more inclusive environment.

Many women grapple with the aftermath of violence, loss, and displacement, leading to mental health challenges that hinder their capacity to contribute meaningfully to society.

Excluding Women in Yemen

The economic and psychological consequences of excluding women from vital roles in Yemen are deeply concerning and warrant a closer examination. The exclusion of women from the workforce not only impedes economic recovery but also undermines the country's resilience in the face of challenges. Studies have shown that empowering women to participate in economic activities can have a profound impact on rebuilding efforts, fostering stability, and promoting social equality.

Amidst the ongoing conflict in Yemen, the psychological toll on women is often underestimated. Research has highlighted that many women experience severe trauma from exposure to violence, displacement, and loss, leading to a range of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD. These untreated mental health challenges can significantly hinder women's ability to actively engage and contribute to their communities, impacting productivity and overall well-being. Addressing these mental health needs is not only crucial for individual healing but also essential for the overall societal recovery and development efforts in Yemen. By providing access to mental health services and support systems, we can empower women to overcome these challenges, play an active role in rebuilding their communities, and pave the way for sustainable progress in the war-torn nation.

In conclusion, the multifaceted challenges faced by women in Yemen require a comprehensive approach involving collaboration among international communities, local leaders, and humanitarian organizations. Data reveals that promoting gender equality, empowering women, and investing in their well-being are not only essential for societal progress but also crucial for fostering resilience and facilitating recovery in a war-torn society. By recognizing and addressing the economic and psychological impact of excluding women, we can take significant steps towards building a more inclusive and sustainable future for Yemen.

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