Cholera Surge in Al Khawkhah

A Prolonged Humanitarian and Health Crisis
Amr Al-Ahdal
September 20, 2024

Cholera Surge in Al Khawkhah

A Prolonged Humanitarian and Health Crisis
Amr Al-Ahdal
September 20, 2024

The district of Khawkhah in the governorate of Al Hodeida, governed by the recognized authority, is currently grappling with a widespread and alarming surge in cholera cases, intensifying the health and humanitarian crises for both local inhabitants and displaced individuals. The critical situation is exacerbated by the district's fragile and under-resourced healthcare infrastructure, posing significant challenges in mounting effective responses to the successive health emergencies sweeping through the villages and the central hub of the district.

Health Crisis and Critical Awareness Deficiency in Khawkhah 

One of the displaced individuals in the camps of Khawkhah shared with "Khuyut": "My son endured severe diarrhea for two days, unbeknownst to me about the rampant outbreak within the camp. I watched him battle the illness, unaware of the looming danger."

This individual's plight is not isolated, as tales of illness are echoing throughout every corner of the camp. The populace struggles amidst a dearth of health education and information.

He further recounted: "Upon hearing murmurs in the market about a spreading outbreak, I hastened back to the camp to escort my son to the diarrhea treatment center indicated by locals. The scene I encountered was one of chaos, with patients lining the walls of the center, anxiously awaiting medical attention." This distressing scenario underscores the formidable challenges besieging the healthcare sector in the directorate, grappling with a scarcity of medical professionals, equipment, and essential medicines crucial for managing the crisis.

Moreover, a resident shared with "Khuyut": "I went to the health center due to catching severe diarrhea. Upon arrival, I found only one doctor who examined me and prescribed tests for me to take to the nurse. I took the note and, due to the overcrowding of patients, waited for my turn. The nurse then administered the intravenous solution, but due to the lack of available beds, I had to leave the center. I leaned against the outer wall, hanging the normal saline bag on one of the windows for the nurse to notice me when checking on the cases."

Citizen Mohammed Bahidar highlighted the community's plight, stating that residents are grappling with the rampant spread of epidemics and diseases. He emphasized the absence of a government health center equipped with the necessary resources and medications to alleviate their ongoing health challenges. Bahidar expressed his frustration, saying, "Despite the legitimate government declaring Al Khawkha as the capital and hub of the liberated areas in Al Hodieda province, it continues to face severe neglect from the authorities. Furthermore, some local officials make trivial demands, behaving as ordinary citizens rather than wielding influential decision-making power." 

Mohammed Ali, a resident of Al Khawkha, shared with "Khuyut" that a significant portion of Yemen's population struggles with a lack of awareness. Health education efforts are primarily confined to limited campaigns and fail to reach all regions effectively. This limited awareness results in a lack of understanding about health risks and diseases, contributing to a rise in infection rates. Shockingly, there have been cases where individuals passed away without their families realizing the cause of death was a particular illness. Ali emphasized, "There is a concerning lack of oversight on the quality of food sold in markets and the water supply by authorities, facilitating the easy spread of diseases." He elaborated on cholera as a contagious disease causing severe diarrhea and vomiting, leading to substantial fluid and electrolyte loss, typically transmitted through contaminated water or food sources.

The diarrhea treatment center, situated in front of the health office, consists of two unprepared rooms that are ill-equipped to properly handle the influx of cases. With over 50 cases of cholera reported in a single day, this underscores the alarming deterioration of the healthcare sector, the acute shortage of resources, and the critical absence of essential medical personnel and medications needed to effectively combat the escalating health crisis.

Director of the center, Hassan Anabri, shared with "Khuyut" the challenging situation they face on a daily basis. He mentioned, "We are inundated with between 40 to 50 cases, and sometimes even more, each day. Unfortunately, we are dealing with a significant shortage of both medical personnel and essential medications required for treating the afflicted individuals. In July alone, our center had to handle a staggering 1,500 cases of the epidemic." Anabri further elaborated, "While UNICEF provided us with much-needed support once, supplying us with intravenous solutions and some medical supplies, our primary source of medications usually comes from the health stores within the province." He highlighted the dedication of the medical staff, who have been working tirelessly without receiving salaries for several months, further complicating an already challenging situation.

The diarrhea treatment center, situated in front of the health office, consists of two unprepared rooms that are ill-equipped to properly handle the influx of cases. With over 50 cases of cholera reported in a single day, this underscores the alarming deterioration of the healthcare sector, the acute shortage of resources, and the critical absence of essential medical personnel and medications needed to effectively combat the escalating health crisis.

One of the dedicated workers at the center expressed his frustration, stating, "Since the center was initially established as an emergency response facility to combat the cholera outbreak, it continues to be neglected, almost as if the human suffering in this area goes unnoticed. The situation has been exacerbated by heavy rainfall and the resulting torrents, which have created stagnant pools of water that have contributed to the rapid spread of diseases during this challenging period. Displaced individuals from the camps often seek our help when they fall ill with diarrhea, underscoring the urgent need for a larger and more comprehensive medical team, rather than relying on just one or two healthcare workers alongside a solitary doctor."

Unprecedented Waves of Cholera Outbreak 

The cholera outbreak in Yemen commenced in October 2016, swiftly spiraling out of control to surpass 755,000 cases by September 2017. The World Health Organization revealed that the cumulative number of suspected and reported cholera cases in Yemen since October 2016 until August 2019 stood at a staggering two million, thirty-six thousand, nine hundred sixty, with three thousand seven hundred sixteen recorded fatalities.

In his recent address to the United Nations Security Council on May 13 of this year, Martin Griffiths, the Deputy Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, conveyed deep concern and distress regarding the alarming escalation of the cholera crisis in Yemen. His words resonated with a sense of urgency as he highlighted the alarming statistics of "40,000 suspected cases and over 160 deaths" reported since the beginning of 2024. These figures serve as a stark reminder of the acute humanitarian crisis unfolding in Yemen, demanding immediate and decisive action to stem the tide of suffering and prevent further loss of life. Griffiths' remarks underscore the critical need for intensified efforts and coordinated interventions to address the escalating health emergency in Yemen. The devastating impact of the cholera outbreak underscores the necessity for comprehensive measures, including strengthening healthcare infrastructure, ensuring access to clean water and sanitation facilities, and providing essential medical care to those affected. 

Furthermore, in its report issued in May, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) highlighted the grim reality that up to 1,000 suspected cholera cases are being reported daily in Yemen. OCHA's projections suggest that the total number of cholera cases in Yemen may surge to 255,000 by September of the current year. The report cautioned that cholera could exacerbate malnutrition and pose graver risks for malnourished children. The situation is compounded by heavy rainfall and flooding, heightening the likelihood of cholera transmission through water contamination.

Facing Tough Disasters

Al-Khawkhah, a district in the province of Al-Hodeida, stands as a burgeoning city that not only accommodates a significant population of internally displaced persons but also its native inhabitants. Unfortunately, this community lacks a fully functional healthcare center, relying instead on a structurally compromised building and a diminishing supply of medical essentials. Positioned to the south of the Al-Hodeida province, Al-Khawkhah serves as the administrative core of the province in areas under the governance of the internationally recognized authorities.

Given the presence of numerous camps of internally displaced persons within the district, the rampant spread of diseases poses an immense threat, plunging both the displaced individuals and the general populace into an unmanageable health crisis. The urgent plea from the residents is directed towards governmental bodies, spearheaded by the Minister of Health, alongside relevant legitimate entities and dedicated local and international organizations. Their collective intervention is crucial in providing essential medical treatments and supplies to effectively manage the escalating cases and mitigate the widespread suffering.

In conclusion, the distressing surge of cholera outbreaks in several Yemeni provinces, such as Aden, Sana'a, Ibb, Al-Hodeida, and Taiz, paints a grim picture of the widespread health challenges facing the country. The urgency of the situation demands immediate and coordinated actions to meet the critical health requirements of the affected populations and halt the worsening of this devastating crisis. By coming together with compassion and determination, we can work towards providing essential support and resources to alleviate the suffering and pave the way for a healthier and more resilient future for all those impacted by these dire circumstances.

Amr Al-Ahdal

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