The Central Bank of Yemen: A Question of Authority?

The Monetary and Financial Ramifications of the Annulled Decisions
Prof. Mohammed Ali Qahtan
September 15, 2024

The Central Bank of Yemen: A Question of Authority?

The Monetary and Financial Ramifications of the Annulled Decisions
Prof. Mohammed Ali Qahtan
September 15, 2024
Photo by: Mohammed Al Selwi-Khuyut

Amidst the continuous devaluation of the Yemeni Riyal against foreign currencies, the Central Bank in Aden demonstrated proactive leadership by enacting a robust series of measures to tackle this challenge head-on. These strategic decisions were instrumental in not only safeguarding fiscal stability but also in cultivating a more resilient and balanced economic environment in the region, showcasing the Bank's commitment to navigating turbulent financial waters with agility and foresight.

However, the nation's stark division between two rival authorities – one with international legitimacy and the other a de facto power – incited strong opposition from the Sana'a faction towards the Central Bank's initiatives. This resistance stemmed from deep-seated apprehensions that the decisions might tilt the economic balance in favor of Aden, potentially undermining Sana'a's financial standing and escalating existing political tensions, thereby raising the specter of military conflict.

In response to these developments, regional and international entities intervened to nullify the Central Bank's directives, unleashing a chain of events that resonated throughout both the monetary and fiscal spheres, underscoring the intricate interplay between economic policies and political dynamics within Yemen's intricate landscape. 

Monetary Policy Divergence

The strategic decisions aimed at resolving the discord between two monetary authorities, the efforts to separate monetary policy from fiscal policy, and the subsequent reversal of these measures have far-reaching implications that call for a comprehensive examination within the intricate domain of monetary policy.

First and foremost, the acknowledgment of the existing split within the Central Bank and the banking system as an undeniable reality has solidified the persistence of this divide. This has resulted in the bolstering of the Central Bank of Sana'a's authority alongside that of the Central Bank of Aden, leading to the continuation of operating with divergent monetary strategies.

Secondly, the ongoing reliance on dual values for the national currency has greatly undermined the credibility of the Yemeni Riyal, fostering a deep-seated sense of uncertainty and apprehension towards its stability and value. Consequently, this transition has steered businesses and consumers towards actively choosing to conduct their transactions using the more stable currencies of the Saudi Riyal and US Dollar in various commercial transactions and the wide array of goods and services available.

State revenues have persistently leaked outside the confines of the Central Bank, as the Central Bank's determination to monitor and control the financial resources flowing to the state has weakened. This lax oversight has created fertile ground for corruption to seep into the revenue channels, leading to a surge in financial misappropriation from state coffers into the clutches of corruption.

In the third pillar, we witness the surge in foreign exchange rates against the new Yemeni Riyal, accompanied by a significant erosion of its purchasing power. This phenomenon exacerbates the widening disparity between the supply and demand for foreign currencies. Consequently, there is a continuous uptick in the prices of goods and services within regions under the legitimate authority's jurisdiction. Moreover, there is a noticeable increase in the outflow of foreign currencies towards areas under Sana'a's authority and beyond, leading to a scarcity of cash liquidity in those regions.

These developments underscore a concerning trend where individuals and entities are increasingly losing confidence in the stability of the national currency, resulting in a notable shift towards hoarding financial assets in more stable foreign currencies or engaging in covert transfers of funds abroad. This growing preference for foreign currencies as a store of value reflects deep-seated apprehensions regarding the domestic economic situation and further contributes to the erosion of trust in the national financial system. Additionally, the compounding effects of stagflation, decreased economic activity, heightened levels of unemployment and poverty, and the deepening economic and humanitarian crisis across Yemen collectively paint a stark and distressing picture of the prevailing circumstances, signaling the urgent need for comprehensive and decisive interventions to mitigate these challenges.

The Central Bank's Authority at Risk

In the fourth aspect concerning monetary policy, there is a noticeable decline in the determination of the internationally recognized leaders of the monetary authority to address the challenges confronting the Central Bank. This weakening resolve hampers its ability to navigate economic fluctuations and evade responsibility in addressing the collapse of the banking system, the national currency, and the escalating inflation rates.

Moving to the fifth point, the ongoing absence of Central Bank supervision in the monetary market, coupled with the loss of Central Bank authority following the annulment of its decisions, has led to a rampant breakdown within the banking system. This breakdown is particularly evident in the widespread proliferation of currency exchange shops across Yemeni provinces, fueling currency speculation and escalating violations committed by financial institutions. Consequently, there has been a significant downturn in banking activities, undermining its role as a central pillar for economic cycles and sustainable development.

Lastly, the increasing erosion of trust in the banking system has resulted in a notable reduction in savings as depositors opt to seek alternative means to safeguard their funds. This shift towards hoarding savings outside the established monetary framework has had a cascading effect, depleting bank reserves and exacerbating liquidity crises. As a direct consequence, the ability to allocate resources for essential economic and social development initiatives has been significantly hampered, posing further challenges to sustainable growth and stability within the financial sector. 

The Central Bank's Role in Shaping Public Finances

It is widely acknowledged that the Central Bank of Yemen, whether situated in Sana'a or Aden, stands as the bedrock of the nation's financial framework. Its critical function in managing public funds is indispensable for the effective operation of the economy. This primary role is intricately woven into the daily workings of the Central Bank of Yemen, harmonizing in concert with the Ministry of Finance to uphold financial stability and prudent fiscal management.

Upon evaluation, it is apparent that the existing organizational framework has exerted a significant influence on the Central Bank's capacity to effectively carry out its fundamental duties. These encompass crucial tasks such as upholding economic stability, adeptly responding to economic shifts by evaluating the nation's currency issuance demands, identifying the most suitable economic cycle magnitudes, monitoring the performance of the banking sector, and preserving economic balance through direct interventions or the utilization of traditional monetary policy instruments to address economic uncertainties. As a result, the current condition of the banking system resonates profoundly throughout the state's public financial landscape, underscoring the interconnectedness between the Central Bank's operations and the broader economic health of the nation.

In terms of the consequences of overturning Central Bank decisions on public finance and its financial capacity to utilize fiscal policy tools to enhance the effectiveness of monetary policy instruments, the key outcomes can be outlined as follows:

  • State revenue streams remained vulnerable, with financial resources leaking outside the purview of the Central Bank. The wavering commitment of the Central Bank in managing and monitoring financial inflows to the state led to a surge in corrupt practices within revenue channels, resulting in increased diversion of state financial resources into corrupt hands.
  • The escalating level of political interference in Central Bank governance and the consequential weakening of its supervisory role have significantly strained the previously harmonious relationship between the financial and banking sectors. This strain has not only intensified the troubling issue of revenue leakage from the state but has also markedly widened the gap in public expenditure, posing substantial challenges to the overall financial stability of the nation.
  • Undermining trust in the Central Bank and financial institutions to support government operations with a national budget during wartime conditions perpetuates ongoing mismanagement and excessive utilization of public funds. This scenario persists without the necessary regulatory supervision typically provided by a national budget, further exacerbating financial uncertainties and hindering effective fiscal management in the prevailing challenging circumstances.
  • The continual lack of an active role in public finance management that aids in maintaining economic stability and managing economic fluctuations, responsibilities traditionally overseen by the Central Bank, hampers the effective navigation of economic challenges. This persistent absence impedes the implementation of necessary measures to address economic uncertainties and ensure financial stability, hindering the nation's overall economic resilience and growth prospects.

Restoring State Institutions

Drawing from the preceding analysis, it becomes evident that the resistance of the authority in Sana'a to implement Central Bank decisions in Aden has resulted in a reluctance to adhere to these directives. Consequently, this reluctance has intensified the fragmentation within the Yemeni state and its financial and banking entities, exacerbating the prevailing economic and humanitarian crisis throughout Yemen. 

This unequivocally underscores that effectively addressing the economic and humanitarian challenges in Yemen necessitates not only an end to the ongoing conflict and the establishment of peace but also the critical restoration of state institutions and the unification of the nation. Only through these vital steps can Yemen hope to pave the way towards economic recovery and sustainable development, bringing much-needed stability and prosperity to its people.

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